11:55pm already???

From PostingaDay, to PostingaNight

about the background of the pic, well...i had to 'post-a-DAY'. U can't blame me :(I understood this was a big challenge when I signed-up for the  WordPress, PostaDay challenge, but I guess I under-estimated it! This is the second week, and I’m still posting-a-day  (and some nights) thankfully. I admit I struggle sometimes to come up with content and end up posting in the night. The beauty of this whole challenge is, whether PostaDay or Night,  I still get to call it, PostaDay 🙂 🙂


Benefits for me:

This challenge, unexpectedly (for me) is helping me carry out my New Year Resolutions effectively. I realized that, If I could PostaDay (as I’m currently doing) then I can Exercise-a-Day, Work-on-my-script-a-day, Pray-a-Day, and do loads-of-other-stuff-a-Day 😉 hehehe

Best blogging buddies:

My two newest and best blogging buddies; Rossa’s Pick and Joe Ndzulo, keep motivating me with their comments and kinda remind me to keep posting. I love to read their blogs too…and of course, the PostaDay page on  facebook(which I just joined) and The Daily Post at WordPress.com, stir up my thoughts.

Fresh Content= Fresh traffic:

Like magic, traffic on my blog has boomed! From a constant 20 something to a constant 6o something Page views (and depending on the content of post, 80, 90 bla bla bla) Don’t I love the WordPress family! Do I see jealous-smoky eyes around (like the red man in the pic)??  I’m happy this challenge has proved to be multi-dimensional, so far; I learn about loads of stuff, meet new people, more exposure, more writing practice…a better blogging life!  😉 Starting a blog is really that simple, you can start with WordPress.com

Happy blogging…!

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